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Would duke ellington also be a jazz accordion player

Would duke ellington also be a jazz accordion player

Would duke ellington also be a jazz accordion player
Our friend Alan from the Vancouver Squeezebox Circle sent me this:
From the book ‘Stomping the Blues’ by Albert Murray I want to know more of the story of this picture.

The date? That’s a 1930’s style accordion I’d say.
Cornell Smelser played accordion and recorded with Ellington in 1930, I wonder if that could possibly be his? (Like Lennon picked up the session guy’s when they were recording, “All You Need is Love.”) That would be a treat;

Cornell died soon after of TB and [Correction, I just heard from Cornell’s family that he lived a long life after his jazz career.

I look forward to more such happy errors!] not many jazz accordionists stepped in to take his place.

Duke Ellington also playing accordion My fave Cornell track: “Double Check Stomp” from 1930.
One copy I have lists it as by, “The Jungle Band,” that’s Ellington’s orchestra.

Oh, hey! There’s a bunch of Cornell Smelser tracks on YouTube. Nobody has ever collected his stuff at all. I’m gonna grab them while I can.

Here’s “Cotton Club Stomp” from that same “Jungle Band”

Duke Ellington aussi accordéoniste

Notre ami Alan du Vancouver Squeezebox Circle m’a envoyé ceci:
Issu du livre « Stomping the Blues » par Albert Murray;

j’aimerais bien en savoir plus sur l’histoire de cette photo.

Il semblerait en effet qu’il s’agisse d’un accordéon datant des années trente au vu de sa présentation.
De fait
Cornell Smelser joua de l’accordéon et enregistra avec Ellington en 1930, je me demande si ça pourrait être le sien?
De la même façon John Lennon a ramassé un gars lors de la session et alors qu’ ils enregistraient, « All You Need is Love. ») Ce serait un régal;

Cornell est décédé peu de temps après de la tuberculose et … Correction, je viens d’entendre de la famille de Cornell qu’il a vécu une longue vie après sa carrière de jazz.

J’attends du reste avec impatience d’autres erreurs aussi heureuses! Peu d’accordéonistes de jazz sont intervenus pour prendre sa place.

Duke Ellington joue aussi de l’accordéon sur My fave Cornell track: « Double Check Stomp » de 1930.
Dont j’ai pu conserver u
n exemplaire que j’ai répertorié par « The Jungle Band », avec l’orchestre d’Ellington.

Oh hey! Il y a beaucoup de titres de Cornell Smelser sur YouTube. Personne n’a jamais rassemblé ses affaires.
Je vais les archiver pendant que je peux encore. Nous sommes en 1930.

Voici « Cotton Club Stomp » de ce même « Jungle Band » en 1930.


Duke Ellington's accordion [I’ve added polish to this since I posted it a few hours ago.] Our friend Alan from the Vancouver Squeezebox Circle sent me this: From the book ‘Stomping the Blues’ by Albert Murray I want to know more of the story of this picture – the date? That’s a 1930’s style accordion I’d say. Cornell Smelser played accordion and recorded with Ellington in 1930, I wonder if that could possibly be his? (Like Lennon picked up the session guy’s when they were recording, “All You Need is Love.”) That would be a treat; Cornell died soon after of TB and [Correction, I just heard from Cornell’s family that he lived a long life after his jazz career. I look forward to more such happy errors!] not many jazz accordionists stepped in to take his place. My fave Cornell track: “Double Check Stomp” from 1930. One copy I have lists it as by, “The Jungle Band,” that’s Ellington’s orchestra. Texte issu de:https://accordionuprising